RfG: Inform here – support on site

Who we are:

In March of 2015, citizens of Berlin came together to found the non-profit organisation “Respekt für Griechenland”.

The organisation was founded as a critical response to the politics of the European Union under the opinion leadership of the German government towards Greece. We started with informative events about the grave consequences of European lenders’ terms for the Greek population. Later, we were concerned also with other topics. Simultaneously, we developed contacts with Greek partners, and today, our practical activities have priority. We have around 40 active members, of whom most have experience in politics or social movements.

What we do:

  • We organise events to inform about the political development in Europe and especially Greece

  • We send out volunteers to support refugees in Lesvos, Athens and Thessaloniki

  • We help to build up multiple ecological and climate protection projects together with partners in Greece

  • We run the campaign “Germany’s war guilt and obligations towards Greece”

  • We support self-empowerment projects such as “Pervolarides” in Thessaloniki or “SoliOli”.


Since 2016 „Respekt für Griechenland“ is officially recognized as a non-profit association .

Tax number: VR 350 40 B
Registration number: 27/ 676/ 5205

Board Members:

Herbert Nebel, phone: +49 175 / 296 88 73 /

Reiner Schiller-Dickhut, Mobil: 0176 / 21 00 57 47 /

Hilde Schramm, Tel: 030/ 833 44 72 /

Postal address: Respekt für Griechenland e.V.,
Beerenstraße 39, D-14163 Berlin

Donations accounts:

GLS Bank
Account holder: Respekt für Griechenland e.V.
General donation account: IBAN DE42 4306 0967 1175 7746 01
Refugee support donations: IBAN DE15 4306 0967 1175 7746 02
Environment protection donations: IBAN DE85 4306 0967 1175 7746 03
War guilt donations: IBAN DE58 4306 0967 1175 7746 04

We usually meet on the first of every month at 5 p.m., in the facilities of the foundation “Umverteilen” (Redistribution), Merseburgerstraße 3, 10823 Berlin
Due to Corona the meeting place has been changing. So please address to one of the board member for the actual meeting location.
Our meetings are open to everyone

Upcoming meetings in 2021:
02.11.2021; 07.12.2021

Berlin, October 2021

People reading the newspapers headlines at a kiosk in Athens after the austerity vote, Greece on the 16th of July 2015. Photo: Socrates Baltagiannis/dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH