Childhoods behind bars

Ioannina, April 2024

Vortrag von Sonia Vlachou
(Quelle: RfG-Newsletter Mai 2024)

In der Mai-Sitzung von RfG hielt Sonja Vlachou einen Vortrag zum Thema: „Die Situation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in den Flüchtlingslagern Griechenlands“. Sie berichtete auf dem Hintergrund eigener Erfahrungen über die Ursachen und Folgen von:

• Aufwachsen hinter Mauern mit Stacheldraht
• Soziale Ausgrenzung durch ständigen Ortswechsel
• Mangelhafte Versorgung der Grundbedürfnisse
• Einschränkung und Behinderung des Schulbesuchs
• Ausbeutung als billige Arbeitskräfte und als Sexualobjekte
• Verhinderung der Entwicklungschancen speziell von Mädchen

Hier ein Auszug aus ihrem Vortrag:
“In nowadays Greece, the vast majority of refugee children are forced to grow up in Closed, Controlled Centers characterized by the materiality of deprivation, the spatial planning of isolation and where „protection“ is implemented as constant surveillance and policing. The living conditions there limit all individuals’ possibility of self-determination and social outcome to a minimum and also expose the children to multiple forms of widespread – aesthetic, psychological, economic, social and political – violence that affects their well-being and threatens their mental balance.

Therefore, if we, as public-school instructors, aim at the educational and social inclusion of young refugees, it is not enough to elaborate our pedagogical and teaching approaches and develop our intercultural skills exclusively within the educational context. Rather, we should totally and critically oppose the functioning of these modern ghettos that fundamentally undermine the living standards of these children and irreparably weaken their vulnerability.

Controlled Centers of all kinds must therefore be closed because they destroy the present and the future of all the children who live in them. The struggle to implement housing policies for all refugees in the urban fabric that include support structures for the social integration of children and families at the micro-level of the school and the neighborhood emerges as an imperative „in the “here and now“. Especially in an aging country like Greece, we are in great need of the youthful vitality and of the cultural wealth that all those wonderful, nimble and resilient young creatures represented. Provided that we already live in an area of the world that is still prosperous, we must and can restore their human dignity by keeping them close to us, beside us and with us.”

Hier: Der vollständige, anschauliche und konkrete Text von Sonia Vlachou (9 Seiten)